Wednesday, October 13, 2010

March 27

Well, I have been anxiously awaiting this day, and now that it's finally here, I can't wait to share the big news with you!!

I signed up this morning to run my first half marathon on March 27! I have about five months now to get over the nervousness of it all and whip my body into shape so that I can make it through this race with flying colors... or just cross the finish line ;). John is running it with me (this will be his second half), so I'm thrilled that we'll get to accomplish this together!

I've never committed to such a physical challenge before and am ready to take it on! I'm going to start running with the West Texas Running Club next week in preparation and am going to keep attending as many yoga classes as possible to strengthen and stretch.

My mom is a marathoner and has undoubtedly been the inspiration behind all of this. She's going to give me lots of tips on training and refueling my body! I'll be so grateful for her guidance along the way!

Have you ever run a half marathon? What advice can you give me?

In other big news, Scout graduated puppy school a few weeks ago and we couldn't be prouder of our little guy! He has conquered "sit", "shake", "high five" and "stay" - a true gentleman!
