Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Can I Just Be Whelmed??

Why can't I just be whelmed? Why do I always have to be overwhelmed? There was a line that went something like this in 10 Things I Hate About You. Anybody remember that? Beth Moore restated it another way this morning and it hit the spot for me.

I woke up today, looked at my 2010 calendar and immediately felt overwhelmed! I am a born planner. My dad likes to remind me that on my 4th birthday I was already planning my 5th - it just comes naturally to me. That also means, however, that I have a very difficult time just living in the moment. I'm having a nice walk with a friend, well, you better believe I'm already asking if she wants to do it again tomorrow! Enjoying the weekend with my girlfriends? Already talking to them about what we should do no my next visit! It never ends with me!

Yes, my schedule is packed with work trips, work meetings, Junior League meetings, Bible studies, weddings, volunteer projects, lunches, dinners... you name an event and it's probably on my calendar! Don't get me wrong, I love staying busy and I especially love time spent with friends and family, but sometimes it just becomes too much.

I've noticed that as my calendar has become more jam packed the past few months, I've consequently put myself last on the to-do list. Yoga has become sporadic and even the gym (which is just downstairs) only sees me a few times each week. As a result, my life has gotten a little out of whack. I'd say it's time to simplify.

I encourage you to do it with me - take a look at your calendar... which events are you looking forward to and which are you dreading? Remove those events that you aren't excited about (work meetings don't count! ;)) and let the other people involved know that you need to take some time for yourself that evening instead. It's hard to say no to invitations, isn't it? I'm really good at saying yes and then questioning my answer after the fact.

Bottom line: I'm going to simplify the calendar, find more time in my weeks to take care of myself (yoga, gym, long walks, quiet mornings with my Bible, etc.) and really think about whether or not I want to participate in something before I commit.

Phew! I feel better already :).


Monday, March 29, 2010

First Thing

I've been feeling under the weather the past few days, but this morning I decided to get my bottom out of bed and hit the treadmill first thing. It felt WONDERFUL to just sweat it out! When your body needs rest, you shouldn't deny it of that, but sometimes you just need to get the blood flowing to break out of a tired slump, you know?

So many fun things to look forward to this week! Happy hour with some ladies this evening, Bible study tomorrow, cooking group on Thursday and Easter Sunday lunch with a wonderful group of friends.

Make the most of your Monday and take some time out of your schedule for a quick walk in the sun or lunch with a friend. It will make the day so much brighter! :)

"The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are and what we do for him." Romans 12:3


Friday, March 26, 2010


So thankful today for the beautiful sunshine in AUSTIN, TX!

Even more thankful that I get to spend the weekend visiting some of my very best girlfriends! Girlfriends are the best, aren't they?

Especially thankful for the handsome husband I get to go back home to on Sunday.

Life is so, so good!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

This Moment

There's only ONE who knows
What's really out there waiting

In all the moments yet to be
And all we need to know

To Him the future's history
And He has given us a treasure called RIGHT NOW
And this is the only moment we can do anything about

And if it brings you tears
Then taste them as they fall
And let them soften your heart

And if it brings you laughter
Then throw your head back
And let it go, let it go


Listen to your heartbeat

There's a wonder in the here and now
It's right there in front of you
And I don't want you to miss
(Steven Curtis Chapman)

Have a blessed Thursday!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Then God

I should be in bed right now, but I just had to share some quick notes from our Bible study tonight on fear and courage. This topic has been weighing on me a lot in the past few months, so this couldn't have come at a better time.

Let me be honest, I am just about as far from calm as they come. Although I may appear (key word) to be calm in even the most stressful situations, you can be assured that I'm fretting internally. Of course there are times when I'm able to take a rational, balanced stance without getting worked up, but in many cases I'm worrying about an event's outcome or how I'll handle something difficult down the road.

We all know how unpleasant and paralyzing fear can be, and what's even more unsettling is the fact that our sheer faith in the Lord often isn't enough to overpower these negative thoughts.

Beth Moore provided a very fresh perspective on the relationship between fear and courage tonight. So blessed to have heard this message, and I hope my chicken scratch notes will bless you, too!

- Courage is not the absence of fear but knowing that something more important is at stake.
- Courage is when you look your reality in the face and deny it power over you.
- Perfect love casts out fear. Pray for the Lord to treat your most irrational fears.
- The most frequent command in the Bible is "don't be afraid"
- And if (insert your fear here), then GOD. Trust God, period.

Wishing you a wonderful (and peaceful ;)) Wednesday!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Focus on Today

Inspired by this manifesto and adore Lululemon workout gear.

Sun shining through the window made it a little bit easier to get out of bed this Monday morning. It exhausts me just thinking about the long week ahead... must take it one.day.at.a.time. So hard to live in the moment sometimes, isn't it?

"Today is life - the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today." - Dale Carnegie


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Old Friends

John and I just got back from lunch with one of our childhood friends - nothing warms the heart more! Although she might not remember this, Tracy and I first met when we were seven years old in girl scouts. She was the kind of little girl that made friends instantly, and today I was reminded that some things never change! She took us to her new apartment that she just moved into last week, and she's already best buds with the girls who work there. Love that about her! :)

This picture was taken at my bachelorette party - Tracy is on the far right, next to me, with that fabulous feather in her hair. She brought one for us all to wear that night - so fun! Oh, and you better believe this girl knows how to liven up a party ;).

So, so, so thankful for all the beautiful ladies in this picture (and then some!). There is nothing better than having a close group of girlfriends to lean on and to just celebrate life with! I'm a lucky lady.


Friday, March 19, 2010

It's Friday!!

So thankful for my Ella Fitzgerald Pandora station this morning - it helps ground me when I feel like pulling my hair out. Anyone?

Even more thankful that today is FRIDAY! I flew in and out of Austin yesterday for a long round of meetings, and it was simply exhausting. I did get to have lunch with co-workers on a patio in the sun, though, so I'm not complaining! Even when I'm running on four hours of sleep, sweet little moments in my day like that make me glad that I'm awake and moving!

Try to laugh a lot today, it's good for the soul! :)


To this I labor, struggling with all HIS energy, which works so powerfully in me. Colossians 1:29

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's Hard Being Cute

I adore being an aunt to this precious guy:

Preston turned nine on Friday, March 12, so we all gathered in Dallas to celebrate his big day with him at Incredible Pizza (fyi - they lie, that pizza is not so incredible ;))! Preston was born premature (weighing less than 2lbs. at birth), so with stellar health and a beautitful heart, he is an amazing gift from the Lord!

Poor little guy, we all still spend a lot of time pinching his cheeks and baby talking him - he's the only nephew and grandchild on all sides of the family, so we just can't help ourselves :). In my usual fashion, I'm inundating this sweet boy with lots of hugs and kisses today.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Little Things

If you woke up this morning and drew a breath, you have so much to be thankful for.
If you slept in a bed last night, you have so much to be thankful for.
If you have enjoyed time with friends and family today, you have so much to be thankful for.
If you ate a meal today, you have so much to be thankful for.

Know that even on the hard days, you are so blessed.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

When Things Don't Go As Planned

My trip to Miami was canceled right after I posted yesterday, so I'm stuck here in Lubbock for a few more days with these kids:

Bless my little heart... life is just so unfair ;).

It's so easy to get excited about the things to come - we make detailed plans, strategically pack our bags, and attempt to foresee all the fun experiences and challenges we'll have along the way. I was supposed to be landing in Miami right now, and instead I'm sitting at my dining room table, blogging. Life is SO unpredictable, but that's the beauty of it, right?

Instead of gearing up for my trip last night, I got to spend an amazing evening of worship with my Bible study group and Beth Moore (if you haven't done a Beth Moore Bible study, jump into one as soon as you can!!) as we pondered and discussed the book of Esther. Last night we talked - but mostly listened - about the human delimma of destiny. Sometimes we think we should be in one place, but find ourselves in another - often less desirable - place than we anticipated. Yes, life is unpredictable and we shouldn't pretend we can navigate it on our own. Live a transparent life and let God guide your journey. You will not be disappointed.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sing Your Little Heart Out

I love this song by Britt Nicole - it has such a great message that I think syncs well with this blog :). Listen to it over and over again (I could keep this on repeat and drive my husband nuts :)).

Britt Nicole - Feel the Light

Instead, I'M the broken record right now singing Will Smith's "Welcome to Miami..." - in fact, I think those were my last words before I fell asleep last night (J can testify!). You see, I'm packing up for a short work trip to Miami where we'll be holding a press conference with a well-known golfer, who will remain anonymous for now ;). Looking forward to a little Florida sun and some time at the beautiful Four Seasons Miami (we like to keep it fancy around here ;)).

I'll check in tomorrow evening from Florida. Much love to YOU on this beautiful Tuesday!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Puppy Love

My heart is warmed today by this little guy...

I wish I could say this precious pooch, otherwise known as Chap, is here to stay, but we're only puppy sitting for a friend and will have to say our farewells in just a few days. Nothing better than a little puppy love to get you through a cloudy Monday though, right?


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Life's Better Upside Down

I discovered at yoga today that sometimes the world just looks better upside down. :) After months of watching my classmates effortlessly stand on their heads, I finally let the fear of toppling over on my neighbor go and did it. This was actually on my list of things to accomplish in 2010, so you can imagine how thrilled I am at the opportunity to check one more thing off my list.

(Source: fitsugar.com)

Despite all the blood flowing to my head and my quivering abs struggling to keep me balanced, being upside down was actually relaxing! Yeah, it completely took my mind off of anything else going on the world and forced me to focus solely on staying balanced.

We struggle with that a lot, don't we, finding balance and focus in this crazy world? I sure do, and knowing that I can flip upside down and escape it all (until I topple over, that is) for just a few moments is a bit of a relief! :)

Lesson of the day (and hopefully the continous lesson of this blog), let others inspire you, but don't remain a spectator. Get out there and try new things - especially those things that scare you - because while you might not achieve everything with flying colors, I can guarantee you that you'll learn something about yourself in the process.

"Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain